FBD Group FBD Group FBD Group FBD Group

Other Ethics

Modern Slavery

FBD has a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery in all its forms in our own business and in our supply chain. This means not using forced or compulsory labour, and/or labour held under slavery or servitude.


FBD expects that all of our suppliers pay employees at least the minimum wage, and provides each employee with all legally mandated benefits.

Paying Suppliers

We understand how important prompt payment is. Our standard payment terms are net 30 days and we work hard to make sure we meet this.

Supply Chain

In 2018, FBD published a set of standards that we expect to see throughout our supply chain. We expect all companies that represent or provide services to us to have the same high standards as FBD. FBD has improved its supplier assessment and due diligence process at sourcing and on-boarding stage. We have also strengthened our standard legal agreement to make sustainability a condition of contract.

Good Health And Well-Being Press Release