Environmental, Social and Governance
Partnerships for the Goals

Guaranteed Irish
FBD is a proud member of the Guaranteed Irish programme. As Ireland’s only indigenous insurance company, FBD has a proud heritage of supporting local communities. The Guaranteed Irish symbol is awarded to companies that create quality jobs, contribute to local communities and are committed to Irish provenance.

Chambers of Commerce
With 34 branches located around Ireland, FBD is a committed member of many local Chambers of Commerce. Working collaboratively with local businesses, Chambers of Commerce provide a forum to promote initiatives, knowledge sharing and to assist local business in communities across Ireland.
Using Language that Everyone Understands
We understand that some insurance terminology can be complex and difficult to understand. We aim to write all our customer documents in plain language to ensure that we are more readily understood. We have engaged with a third party provider to complete a thorough review of our main products policy wording with this objective in mind.